Thursday, October 24, 2013

South East Asia 2013

SOUTH EAST ASIA:  November 2013

“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”
- Apostle Paul

Greetings - In a few days I leave on a mission to the the countries of Singapore - Indonesia and Malaysia -
Believing God for harvest of new souls into the kingdom and new labourers to enter the harvest fields of their repective nations- 

"Missions is not the 'ministry of choice' for a few hyperactive Christians in the church. Missions is the purpose of the church." 

Thanks for your prayers and support for the success of this mission to South East Asia - 

- Its always team work that gets the job done - 

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. 
- More reports in the coming weeks - Check often on the website

Regions Beyond Evangelism
PO box 700513
Tulsa OK 74170

Regions Beyond Evangelism-Facebook


Monday, April 29, 2013

Iwo, Osun State Nigeria


Recent Trip to Iwo, Osun State Nigeria-   April 2013 -  Read deatails below

Tallat Mohamed
PO box 700513
Tulsa  OK 74170

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nigeria - West Africa

Colossians 1:6 (NLT)

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.

 At first it was all set to go, then no, its too quick to decide, not enough time to plan, then maybe next time and then in four days, visa, ticket and ready, pack and and off to Lagos-via Detroit and Amsterdam.

The problem with problems is that they are rarely seen as the opportunities that God intends for us.

Archbishop Emmanuel Ojo Powerson, a long time friend and brother in the Lord called and informed me to go with him to a muslim populated area within his nation -(he and his team will do all the preparations) - No Excuses..... 
 Immediately I thought - Regions Beyond Evangelism - and then despite the obstacles, the Lord allowed us to complete the mission - (Mission Accomplished) -
The first night of the crusade we were honored by the presence of eight of the area Kings. 
 Will be working on a more detailed newsletter - too much to say in the blog - I also posted some pictures  on the Facebook page Regions Beyond Evangelism.

Somewhere, some way,somehow, opportunities awaits for  us right now.

 With God all things are possibble. Matt. 19:26.
No Reserve - No Retreat - No Regrets

Tallat Mohamed
PO Box 700513
Tulsa, OK 74170

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Azerbaijan: Land of Fire

.....every nation, tribe, people and language. Revelation 5:9

Greetings from Ganja City about 300 miles east of Baku - where we just arrived - will be writing about this area next week.
Our first stop in this very historic nation - the city of Baku is known as the "Windy city" and Azerbaijan as "The land  of Fire"- A very prosperous city where the old and new comes together. - also a very strategic region in western Asia.

 Above is a location about 20 Km from the city of Baku - it is called the mountain of fire where we were told that this fire had been burning since the 5th century and had never gone out - no one knows how and why.

Together Br. Jack Tuls and I made our first entrance in to this region of the world- Will say more in the next blog report.
    Lord the task is impossible for me but not for You.
    Lead the way and I will follow. Why should I fear?
    I am on a Royal Mission. I am in the service of the King of    
    kings.  Mary Slessor
PO Box 700513
Tulsa OK 74170

Thursday, January 24, 2013

In a few  days I will be  leaving for  Azerbaijan ( or  Azerbaizdhan), a country in Western Asia. It is on the West Coast of the Caspian Sea and borders on Iran, Armenia, Turkey,Georgia and Russia. 
Capital: Baku Official Language Azebaijani
First stop will be Baku , then will fly on to Ganja a city about three hundred miles from the Capital - 
 Please believe with us for favor and Open doors - Will provide more info as the journey unfolds.. 

      MISSION gives your life purpose. VISION gives your life direction. VALUE gives character

   Thank you for prayer- support and passion for those who have not yet heard.

  AZERBAIJAN? It is a small country on the western shore of Asia’s Caspian Sea. It is a little smaller in area than Maine, and contains 9.4 million people. The country is 93% Muslim and its people are called Azeris. Azerbaijan in Roman times was popu- lated by Scythians, a fierce, warlike tribe. In the 11th century it was overrun by Muslim Turks from Central Asia, and as a result, still speaks the Turkish language. In the early 19th century the country was conquered by Russia. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Azerbaijan became independent and instituted a Republic. It is a modern state with almost total literacy. Azerbaijan has been blessed with huge oil and gas deposits beneath the Caspian Sea. These were coveted by the Nazis during WW2, but they never reached Baku, the capital city, which was the outlet for the oil. The completion of the oil pipeline from Baku to Tbilisi (Georgia) to Ceyhan on the Turkish Mediterranean coast in 2005, transformed the nation’s economy, and made it prosperous. 
     1Cor. 9:16

Regions Beyond Evangelism
PO Box 700513
Tulsa, OK 74170


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greetings from Arequipa Peru.
Located the south of the Capital city of Lima, was the location for the final set of meetings in this South American region.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;  Luke 4:18 NKJV

Arriving, from Concepcion Chile via Santiago and Lima, then to Arequipa- Again the power of God triumph over the forces of darkness -More details in the next blog.

Thanks for your prayers and support during this time of ministry where it was evident that the Word of God is still the same yesterday, today and forever-



Tallat Mohamed

PO Box 70013
Tulsa, OK 74133

Monday, December 17, 2012

Greetings from Concepcion Chile,
After a week of meetings - it was amazing to see the hunger in people - What we have heard and forget, some has never heard once.  Thru the contact from friends we were able to make an entry into this nation.

For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.
Acts 4:20

One of the meetings was on the beach-  "Preach on the Beach" - Exciting to see the hunger in the  young people in this region.

Pas. Carlos Adams

The final meeting with about 18 -20 being born again and many baptized in the Holy Spirit.    An awesome week indeed.   

But  you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8

Somewhere, some way, somehow, opportunities await for you right now.

Next stop - Arequipa , Peru- 
Blessings and thank you for your prayers as we continue to preach  the Good News .

PO box 700513
Tulsa, Ok 74170